Karlheinz Brandenburg

Karlheinz Brandenburg

Birth: June 20, 1954

Death: None

Major Academic Events

Karlheinz Brandenburg earned his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He earned this for his work on digital audio coding and perceptual measurement techniques. He also earned an honorary PhD for his research in audio coding.

Contributions to Computer Science

Karlheinz Brandenburg's research formed the basis for the mp3, MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding, and many other modern audio compression devices. While working at AT&T Bell Laboratories, he worked on ASPEC which is the basis for the mp3. Afterwards, he continued his research in audio coding back in Germany. He is also acclaimed for work on Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) and psycho-acoustics.

MP3 Player

Sources: https://ieeexplore.ieeae.org/author/37320411700,